Seattle Public Schools

Curriculum Adoption

2024 Algebra and Geometry Instructional Materials Adoption

代数1,几何,代数2 (AGA)数字教学材料采用2023-24

The math content area of Curriculum, Assessment, 美国教育部在2023-24学年推出了《安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行》数字教材采用计划. 数字教学材料的采用过程将遵循正规的棋牌平台排行榜选择和采用教学材料, Policy No. 2015. If approved by the Seattle School Board, 新的数字教学材料将在2024-25学年准备好实施.

This adoption is for digital resources only. SPS is a 1 to 1 district with laptops available for at-school and at-home use. This digital adoption is funded through the 2022 Buildings, Technology, and Academics/Athletics Capital Levy V (BTA V). 采用将包括所有学生资料和教师资源,将通过在线平台或学习管理系统访问. 采用将不包括购买教科书或练习册的硬拷贝.


All Algebra 1, Geometry, 从9月开始,代数2的教室将使用插画数学(由Imagine Learning出版)的教学材料. 教师将获得专业的学习机会,以理解并开始规划新教材,为实施做好准备. Learn more about Imagine Learning and Illustrative Mathematics.

Update April 2, 2024: AGA Adoption Committee selected a finalist

自2023年9月以来,数学系一直在促进由SPS员工和家庭组成的委员会的采用过程,并已获得教学材料委员会的批准. The Math Department will advance Illustrative Mathematics, published by Imagine Learning作为代数1,几何和代数2教学材料采用的决赛选手. 我们预计这一建议将于4月25日提交给SPS安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行th meeting and voted on in May.

Update December 15, 2023

The Algebra 1-Geometry-Algebra 2 .采用委员会已投票决定将三份教学材料移至采用程序的第二阶段. The three instructional materials are Illustrative Mathematics (Imagine Learning), Into Math (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt), and enVision (Savvas).

采用过程的第二阶段将包括在初中和高中教室实地测试这些材料,以及第二个征求公众反馈的窗口. These will occur in February 2024.

Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2 Adoption Timeline

  • March 2023: Request for Information released
  • April 2023: Request for Information closed
  • June 8, 2023: Committee applications closed (opened May 16)
  • June 5 – 23, 2023: Needs assessment for teachers, staff, and students
  • June 9, 2023: Committee members selected
  • June 29, 2023: IMC meets to review/approve timeline, committee members, and communication plan
  • June 30, 2023: Adoption Committee members notified of acceptance to the committee
  • September 9, 2023: Committee reviews SPS policies and procedures that guide adoption process
  • September 16, 2023: Committee develops selection categories and criteria
  • September 26, 2023: Selection categories and criteria approved by IMC
  • October 21, 2023: Committee develops criteria for each evaluation category
  • October 24, 2023: Request for Proposals released
  • November 2023: Request for Proposals process ends
  • November 27-28, 2023: SPS Math department reviews materials using anti-bias screener
  • November 30 – December 8, 2023: Materials displayed online for community review
  • November 29, 2023: Field Test Teacher application released
  • December 2-12, 2023: Committee reviews evaluation data and selects finalists for field test
  • December 15, 2023: Second Request for Proposals released
  • January 5, 2024: Field test teacher notified of acceptance
  • January, 2024: Second RFP closes
  • January 27, 2024: Field test teacher training
  • February 1 – March 1, 2024: Finalist materials available for community review
  • February 1 – March 1, 2024: Field tests conducted
  • March 6, 2024: Panel discussion with field test teachers, students, and committee
  • March 9, 2024: Committee evaluates all data and makes final recommendation
  • March 2024: IMC approves final recommendation
  • April 25, 2024: IMC和总监介绍董事会行动报告,建议购买选定的材料
  • May 8, 2024: Board votes on Board Action Report

Adoption Committee Meeting Schedule and Minutes

The committee will met several times between September 2023 and March 2024. 周六的会议将在约翰·斯坦福卓越教育中心亲自授课. The Wednesday meeting will be held virtually through Zoom.

Initial review and selection for field test:

Final review and selection for recommendation to Superintendent and School Board:

委员会成员将在预定的会议之前通过审查提供的材料来准备会议, and attend and participate in schedule meetings. 连续两次缺席会议将导致自动退出委员会的参与.

Adoption Committee Vision, Purpose, Goals, and Members

2023-24年代数1-几何-代数2数字教学材料采用委员会将代表正规的棋牌平台排行榜(SPS)社区的不同声音. The committee will review and make a recommendation for a high-quality, standards-aligned, culturally relevant, rigorous digital instructional materials for Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 courses that embodies the SPS 2019-24 Strategic Plan, Seattle Excellence. In particular, educators, families, 以及代表有色人种学生的社区,他们远离教育公正,将在《安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行》数字教学材料采用委员会中发出有意义的声音.

代数1-几何-代数2数字教学材料采用委员会将研究通过概述的过程提供给他们的所有教学材料作为选项 Superintendent Procedure 2015SP.B and determine a final selection which should be, in the opinion of the adoption committee, the instructional materials best aligned to the focus and goals of Seattle Excellence; i.e. 为远离教育公正的有色人种学生提供高质量的教学和学习体验,加速他们的成长.

  • 制定由教学材料委员会批准的选择标准,该标准以西雅图卓越与政策0030为基础
  • Review submitted materials for potential bias
  • Evaluate submitted materials using the approved selection criteria
  • Review staff and community feedback with a particular focus on feedback from staff, families, and communities who represent Students of Color furthest from educational justice
  • Narrow selection of materials to be field-tested
  • 审查实地测试的结果,特别关注远离教育公正的有色人种学生的经历
  • 向教学材料委员会提交最终选择,由其批准并推荐给督学和安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行
  • 建议为教育工作者和学校员工提供专业发展培训,以支持新采用的《安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行》数字教学材料的成功实施,以确保高质量的教学和学习体验,加速离教育公正最远的有色人种学生的成长
  • Engage district staff, educators, principals, 确保审查和选择过程包括来自我们社区的声音的输入和反馈, especially those furthest from educational justice

该委员会由21名成员组成,他们提供主题专业知识或家庭成员与当前和/或过去的代数1学生的观点, Geometry, or Algebra 2. The committee includes:

  • Secondary math educators from different regions of Seattle
  • Middle and high school staff and school leaders from different regions of Seattle
  • Parents, guardians, 或其他离教育公正最远的现任或前任中学生的家庭成员,代表了SPS的广泛学校和项目
  • Although students are not included in the adoption committee, 学生将有机会就教材向领养委员会提供意见

Members were selected and appointed in accordance with School Board Policy 4110: Family & Community Advisory and Oversight Committees, and Procedure 4110SP. 地区应向合理有兴趣担任收养委员会成员的个人及组织提供公告.